Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Better Late Than Never

Belatedly it dawns on me that I probably should've been blogging throughout this whole coronavirus thing for several reasons:

  1. Documentation for future generations. I can see it now: me, still teaching 3rd grade 20 years from now, telling my students, "This is what life was like during the great COVID-19 Pandemic." 
  2. Documentation for myself. Honestly, I have no idea what I did during most of the initial weeks of lockdown. Would've been interesting to be able to look back and see what the heck I did. (Plus I might have been more motivated to do interesting things for the sake of the blog if nothing else.) 
  3. Y'all would've had something to read in those weeks and weeks of lockdown. But then when would you have watched "Tiger King" and baked banana bread??
  4. When have I ever had so much free time? I mean, sure, now that I'm teaching online, I feel like a first-year teacher again with no time for anything but school and lesson planning and prepping. But in those early days I had nothing BUT time. #missedopportunity 

Oh, well...I'm here now. 

Better late than never, right?

It's been so long that I kind of forgot that I have this blog, to be honest. 🙈 But I've missed writing, so in the interest of doing more of what makes me happy, here I am. While I'm not dumb enough to promise another post soon (and you're not naive enough to believe it even if I did promise it), I will say that you haven't heard the last from me. 

See ya again soon(ish).

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