Hi! I'm so happy you're here! *insert social-distancing appropriate air high-five here*
In case I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you yet (unlikely, as most readers around here either heard about my blog from me or from my mother) allow me to introduce myself: I'm Jess, elementary teacher extraordinaire and--as the name of this blog oh-so-subtly hints at--an amateur adventurer.
Hey. |
This blog began way back in 2016 after I finished up my Bachelor's degree and jetted off to Europe for 4 and 1/2 months. Since I ran out of cash and had to start adulting (ugh) I've been more of a weekend adventurer/day tripper, but school breaks give me the opportunity to really indulge my travel bug...within the confines of a public school teacher's salary. 🙃
Not so much to write about these days, but I'll endeavor not to let that deter me...who knows? Maybe I'll even revisit some of those places I never got around to writing about when I was there. 🙈
I hope you like reading my blog, so if you do, please let me know what you like about it by commenting! (But as I tell my students, if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. 😉)
Peace out, Girl Scout.✌️