Sunday, February 11, 2018

I'm Addicted

In the last 5 months, it's gone from occasional recreational activity to hobby to habit to obsession to full-blown addiction.

I just can't get enough.

Ladies and gentlemen, I'm talking about rock climbing. (Bet I had you going for a moment there, though...heh-heh-heh.)
Image result for rock climbing seinfeld gif
It all started over the summer, when I climbed a couple of times with some cool people from work (y'all know who you are) after we closed up the course for the day.

No, wait, it kind of started before that.

The first couple of years that I was at Towson, there was a rock wall in the fitness center. I went a few times with friends, and while it was definitely fun, running was my drug of choice at the time. First I was training for a marathon, and then Kronum came along, and then I graduated and went off to Europe. (I may have mentioned that little trip once or twice before...) Suffice to say, I didn't catch the climbing bug the first time around.

Flash back to last summer at Go Ape, when the aforementioned cool work friends said that they were going climbing after work. I was totally eavesdropping on their conversation at the time, and managed to finagle myself an invitation to tag along.

A few weeks later, I had an Earth Treks membership and a harness of my very own. (Happy Birthday to me!)

You could say I was hooked.

See, the thing about climbing--for me, at least--is that it's completely engaging. I am so entirely in the moment when I'm climbing, because it is simultaneously a workout and a brain teaser. I have to figure out how to get myself up the wall, move by move, and I have to work my muscles (in occasionally mind-boggling contortions) to make that happen.
Image result for rock climbing quotes
It's the ultimate in mindfulness practices for me: body and brain, united for a common goal, and existing entirely within the moment.

Continuing with the meditation metaphor, topping out a tough climb is its own kind of nirvana. That feeling when I get my chalk-covered hands on the top of the wall...the thrill and the relief just wash over me...I freaking EARNED it.

And I love that I can see and feel myself making progress. When I started out, I was top roping mostly 5.8s and 5.9s, and I've worked my way up now to some 5.11as. I started out bouldering V1s, and on Friday, I tried my first V5. (I literally belly flopped off it, but still.)

*For those of you who don't speak climber, here's a nifty little article that gives a basic rundown of climbing grades.

I'm totally hooked. I've started watching climbing videos on YouTube, and I'm looking into good places for outdoor climbing in the area. (Any suggestions??) My workouts on non-climbing days are primarily based on what will help me become a better climber. (Hint: lots of chin-ups, push-ups, and fly lifts are involved.)

The climbing community is also super awesome. Everyone is so friendly and helpful to each other! If I'm working on the same bouldering problem as someone else, I'll inevitably end up offering (and receiving) some suggestions and encouragement. And when I do finally top out, my new best bud is celebrating with me.

I love it. I love it I love it I love it.

I could go on about how awesome climbing is forEVER. I could, but I won't. I'll just leave you with this:
Image result for rock climbing quotes
(Actual pictures of me actually climbing will be in another post.)
Stay weird, y'all. 

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