
Sunday, September 11, 2016

It's Been a Week?

Between all the sight-seeing and the jet-lagging that I've been doing lately, I'd pretty much completely lost track of the date. So it was a bit of a surprise when I realized today that I have been in Europe for almost a week now.

In some ways, it feels like I've been here forever: my Circadian rhythms are starting to get used to this time zone, I know how to get to town from my aunt's house, where the grocery stores and post office are, and I've picked up a bit more of the language (three years of high-school German are coming back to me now).
At the same time, though, every morning when I wake up, in the few seconds before I open my eyes, I'm in the US, in my bed, facing the boxes from my apartment that I still have yet to unpack. The songs that play on the radio stations my aunt listens to are in English, songs that are familiar to me. Adele's got me starting to feel the slightest bit homesick.
But then it hits me all over again. I'm in EUROPE.
This is what I have been dreaming about for the last 7+ years, but never thought I'd actually have the nerve to do.
I could picture myself getting on a plane, I could picture the places that I wanted to go, but I couldn't actually picture myself in those places. I guess I didn't believe I'd actually get here.
And yet, when it came down to it, it was so easy. I've gotten on dozens of plans before. I've been lots of places on my own. I surprised myself when I actually got on the plane (only the slightest bit panicky about what I was doing).
And now I'm here! I'm doing it! I'm living the dream! (I have to keep saying it because sometimes, I still can't wrap my brains around it.)
Anywho, that's what's running through my gray matter at the moment. Update on what I've actually been doing the last few days will be up soon (sneak peek below).

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